Table of Contents

Issue #1 Samhain,
a.s. XXI

Early Period Needlework
Roman Foods
On Being Early Period
Constructing Checkered Trim
Bog Shoes
Graphed and Interlace Designs
Coptic Tunics
A Celtic Feast
The Dark Age Table: Drink Containers
Early Period Silk Use

EARLY PERIOD is published quarterly for the personal amusement of Fuiltigherne ni Ruadh O'Finn and for the advancement of early period arts, crafts, sciences and research. EARLY PERIOD deals in the pre-1066 A.D. topics of interest to persons with early period personae in the SCA or similar organizations.

Some words from herself:

Some time ago we became concerned by the lack of enthusiasm or knowledge about early period crafts, arts, personae develpement, etc. in the Society. To be sure there are some pockets where persons of our persuasion are cultivated and indeed admired, but ther eare far more where being early period is equated with having seen the latest Conan movie multiple times.

The purpose of this publication is education, not only of those whith early personae, but for those who may not fully appreciate the work and research involved in being truely early period.

We are actively looking for articles of interest to people from early periods. You get a free copy of "Early Period", our undying gratitude and the thrrill of seeing your stuff in print. I only ask that your submission be legible and historical. Please include sources. I'll be retyping it, so don't worry about camera-ready copies. If you don't feel confident of your drawing ability, do your best and I'll redraw any illustrations for you. Submission deadlines are 6 weeks before any given publication date:

1 November.......Samhain
1 February...........Imbolc
1 May................Beltaine
1 August........Lughnasad

Subscriptions are being sold to help fund the mailing of a copy to each group in the Kingdom free of charge. Groups will continue to receive their copies if they will only (1) pass the publication around at meetings and (2) send back a response card included in each issue so we can figure out what people liked, didn't like, etc. It also allows us to know there is someone out there.


Next Time:
    Some articles lined up for the next issue include devices for Early Personae and to go along with that, Early Period Banners. Also--Constructing the "Byrrus," a garment worn in the Roman provinces as an alternative to the cape; constructing a warp-weighted loom; more shoe patterns; leather armor; satire in Irish society; how to make a Celtic table for feasting; replicating Viking music, working with Ogham, and hopefully a lot more.

    Note:The English Costume Society gives moral support and funding to costume related projects throughout the United Kingdom. They hold a yearly symposium, usually on costume related subjects. Next year's will be on Medieval Costume. For membership information (membership includes the annual journal Costume), write Anne Brogden, 63 Salisbury Road, Liverpool L19 OPH, England. You might want to include an International Reply Coupon, avalilable from the post office.

    (cover) Camp, Rosemary and Gummer, Joan The Earliest English. St. Martin's Press.
    (some filler art) Bain, George Celtic Art: The Methods of Construction. Dover, 1973.

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